Reposition Your Life: How To Position Yourself Most Favourably To Win By Connecting With A Personalized Winning Strategy
Since the word strategy is defined as “a careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal usually over a long period of time,”[1] let's answer the first important question in this segment, “What is a winning strategy?”
Your winning strategy is simply the path and plan that you have created, based on your life’s resources, which will lead you from where you are, to the place and position that you desire to be. It is your life's game plan.
Since that is true, then here is the next most important question. “Why is a winning strategy necessary for your success?”
I like what Jim Rohn said on this subject.
A winning strategy is necessary and important because true lasting success never happens without a proper game plan. No matter how short or simple the plan may be, success demands a plan.
Your mind needs something to focus on to fully activate its ability to produce greatness in your life. It needs direction; it needs clarity; it needs a path or plan! And once given a strategy, it will begin doing everything to attract the proper resources to see that plan accomplished.
In this eBook we'll discuss:
- Essential 1.
- Essential 2.
- The Two Sides Of The Opportunity Coin
- How To Become An Opportunity Magnet
- Hidden Doors – The Divine Opportunities!
- Essential 3.
- Focus 1. Keep Your Heart Prepared To Win
- Focus 2. Connect With Both Your Power & Your Limitations
- Focus 3. Stay Flexible But Committed
- Focus 4. Always Play Your Game
- Focus 5. Choose To Move Beyond Mediocrity
- Focus 6. Understand The Price vs. The Prize
- Reaching Forward: What To Do Next?